Weather And Sea Conditions

Bali is an island located in the tropics so you can expect warm and humid conditions all year round. As with all islands located in the tropics, there are 2 predominant seasons: a Dry season and a Rainy season. Rainy season runs from mid-October to March however, the rain generally falls late afternoon and early morning. The islands we visit on our Day Charters are less effected by the monsoonal rain and are considered a lot drier than their big sister, Bali.

All vessels provide undercover areas for protection of the passengers from rain and sunshine.

The water temperature in Bali and her outlying islands is generally a warm 27 degrees Celsius from July to September increasing to 29 degrees Celsius between November and May. Please note that there can be a chance of cool water in the currents.

It’s common to experience swell in the Badung Strait between Bali and the Nusa islands, however once over on the islands, it is well protected. Our experienced captains know exactly where to position the vessel with consideration to the sea conditions on the day.